Colonial Times

  • Title:Colonial Times: Short Nonfiction for American History
  • Author:Stephanie Harvey, Anne Goudvis
  • Publication Date:March 2014
  • Grade Level:5-8
  • ISBN:9780325048833
  • Publisher:Heinemann

To support cross-curricular strategy instruction and close reading for information, Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis have expanded their Toolkit Texts series to include a library of short nonfiction for American history with 10 all-new Toolkit lessons. Building on selections from popular children's magazines as well as original articles, these engaging, age-appropriate texts will keep your active literacy classroom awash in historical resources that depict the controversies, issues, and dramas that shaped historical events, including the exploits of lesser-known individuals. To help students unpack the texts and apply their new learning, Stephanie and Anne offer 10 lessons for content literacy—reading for content across the disciplines—and disciplinary literacy—constructing discipline-specific knowledge. These 10 lessons teach students to use reading and thinking strategies as tools to acquire and use knowledge in history, and include follow-up steps for further research and small-group projects.

In addition to the texts and lessons, each book in this series offers primary source documents, bibliographies, web sites, and ideas for online investigations that foster expected research skills and practices. A digital companion resource provides all of the reproducible texts, plus primary source documents and an image bank in a full-color digital format that is ideal for projecting and group analysis.


Author Bio

Anne Goudvis has been a classroom teacher, staff developer, and university instructor. For the past fifteen years she has worked as a staff developer with the Denver-based Public Education and Business Coalition and currently does staff development in schools around the country. Recent interests include working in schools with culturally and linguistically diverse students and integrating reading comprehension instruction with content area topics in social studies and science.

Stephanie Harvey has spent her career teaching and learning about reading and writing. After fifteen years of public school teaching, both in regular education and special education classrooms, Stephanie worked for twelve years as a staff developer for the Denver based Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC), a partnership of leaders from education and business, who support innovation in public schools.

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