Dual Language Education

  • Title:Dual Language Education: Program Design and Implementation
  • Author:Sonia Soltero
  • Publication Date:August 2016
  • Grade Level:PreK-College
  • ISBN:9780325078137
  • Publisher:Heinemann

As our global economy increasingly demands a highly educated, bilingual and biliterate workforce, educators feel more compelled than ever to offer culturally and linguistically responsive education that speaks to these demands as well as the diversity of today’s student population. “For culturally and linguistically diverse students, dual language education offers the best alternative to increase their academic achievement and boost their social and economic potentials,” writes Sonia Soltero. In Dual Language Education, Soltero provides a comprehensive view of what it takes to create well-designed, effective, sustainable dual language programs based on current dual language research and theory.  Each chapter examines the pedagogical and organizational principles of dual language education, and the specific conditions necessary for their effective implementation. Vignettes from teachers, parents, and school leaders, illustrate the transformative power of dual language education to benefit all students.


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