No More "I'm Done!"

  • Title:No More, "I'm Done!": Fostering Independent Writers in the Primary Grades
  • Author:Jennifer Jacobson
  • Publication Date:February 2010
  • Grade Level:K-2
  • ISBN:9781571107848
  • Publisher:Stenhouse


Yes! Primary students can grow into being independent writers! Disregarding the false notion that writing instruction in the primary grades needs to be mostly teacher directed, Jennifer Jacobson shows teachers how to develop a primary writing workshop that helps nurture independent, engaged writers.

No More "I'm Done!" demonstrates how to create a more productive, engaging, and rewarding writer's workshop. Jennifer guides teachers from creating a supportive classroom environment through establishing effective routines; shows teachers how to set up a writer's workshop; and provides an entire year of developmentally appropriate mini-lessons that build confidence and, ultimately, independence. Through her years of teaching and consulting, Jennifer has heard all the tough questions about working with primary writers: How do I get my students to sustain for a full writing period? What do I do about the student who can't choose a topic? What about the student who writes about the same thing every day? She answers these questions and many more in the final chapter of the book.

Practical, insightful, and, most importantly, effective, No More "I'm Done!" will help primary teachers create a classroom full of writers who possess the skills to succeed in later grades and beyond. As Jennifer says, "You'll know you've succeeded when you have a few available moments and your kids shout, 'Can we write?' And you say, yes."


Author Bio

Jennifer Jacobson, a former primary school teacher, is the author of fourteen children's books, including the award-winning Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle, and is also a frequent presenter at library, reading, and writing conferences. Jennifer received her bachelor's degree in early childhood education from Lesley College and her master's degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education. "I always knew that I would be a teacher of young children," she says. "Both my parents were educators. My mom used to bring home pictures of the early childhood programs she visited and I would pore over them. Some children dream of traveling, or inventing something. I'd fantasize about designing my own primary classroom!" Jennifer currently teaches seminars on the teaching of writing. She often spends a day or two with teachers and then goes into the classroom for several days to model lessons and writing conferences. "The one-time-only professional inservice is seldom effective," Jennifer believes. "Single-day programs can introduce, inspire, and help bring staff to a common understanding. However, they rarely effect school change. For genuine growth to occur, teachers require time to process and, ideally, modeling. This is why my favorite form of inservice is the residency."

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