Brave Educator, The

  • Title:Brave Educator, The: Honest Conversations about Navigating Race in the Classroom (1ST ed.)
  • Author:Krystle Cobran
  • Publication Date:August 2019
  • ISBN:9781138389311
  • Publisher:Eye on Education

The Brave Educator equips you with accessible and refreshingly useful tools for real conversations about race that prepare students for the world beyond the school walls. More than a toolkit, this book is a personal conversation exploring the journey from being stuck in the belief that we should already know how to lead conversations about race to learning how to actually have the conversation. It’s companionship for educators, leaders, and teachers facing overwhelming daily responsibilities and searching for open-hearted support. Inside you’ll find a flexible road map to help carve a path through difficult conversations in your classroom, plus question prompts, resource lists, and crucial tips to help you avoid common pitfalls. The grounded perspective and real-world examples in these pages will help you feel less alone as you move from tentative to prepared.

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