Co-Teaching for English Learners

  • Title:Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection
  • Author:Maria Dove, Andrea Honigsfeld
  • Publication Date:October 2017
  • ISBN:9781483390918
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Because teacher collaboration isn’t an option, it’s a MUST!

The proof is borne out by any assessment: our non-native speakers learn faster and achieve more when general ed teachers and EL specialists co-plan and co-deliver instruction in the very same classroom. That’s why you’ll want to put Co-Teaching for English Learners at the top of your reading list. Step by step, EL authorities Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld walk you through the entire collaborative instruction cycle, along with seven potential classroom configurations from which to choose.

Whether you’re new to co-teaching or just see room for improvement in your practice, this practical handbook delivers every technique and tool you need to make the most of your collaboration, including video footage of co-teaching in action. Inside you’ll find:

  • In-depth profiles of the seven models, with detailed descriptions and analyses
  • A review of advantages and challenges of each model’s implementation
  • Clear explanations of each teacher’s role along with self-assessment tools
  • Tried-and-true strategies for the entire instructional cycle: co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection
  • Real-life accounts from co-teaching veterans

Long gone are the days when our ELs are taught in isolation—and rightfully so. Read Co-Teaching for English Learners, implement its strategies, and soon enough you, too, can set up a learning environment in which all students thrive.


Author Bio

Maria Dove, Ed.D. is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the MS TESOL Program in the Division of Education at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, New York, where she teaches courses on research and best practices for developing effective programs and school policies for English learners. She previously worked over thirty years as an English-as-a second language teacher in public school settings and in adult English language programs. 

Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld is Professor in the Division of Education at Molloy College where she teaches graduate courses related to cultural and linguistic diversity. She frequently offers professional development focusing on effective differentiated strategies and collaborative practices for English-as-a-second-language and general education teachers.

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