Collective Efficacy

  • Title:Collective Efficacy: How Educators' Beliefs Impact Student Learning
  • Author:Jenni Donohoo
  • Publication Date:November 2016
  • ISBN:9781506356495
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Improve student outcomes with collective teacher efficacy.

Is your school climate promoting meaningful change? Recent research suggests that Collective Efficacy (CE) is the number one factor influencing student achievement.

CE—the belief that, through collective actions, educators can influence student outcomes and improve student learning—is changing the educational ecosystem. A faculty with high Collective Efficacy show greater effort and persistence, willingness to try new teaching approaches, and attend more closely to struggling students’ needs. This book presents practical strategies and tools for increasing student achievement by sharing:

  • Rationale and sources for establishing CE
  • Conditions and leadership practices for CE to flourish
  • Professional learning structures/protocols that promote CE

If educators’ realities are filtered through the belief that they can do very little to influence student achievement, then it is likely these beliefs will manifest in their practice. Help teachers develop mastery and CE by employing these key strategies.


Author Bio

Jenni Donohoo, PhD, is a three-time, best-selling author and professional learning facilitator with more than 20 years experience in leading school change. Her dissertation focused on fostering metacognition in adolescent students. Jenni is also on contract with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education, where she works alongside system and school leaders in order to improve the quality professional learning and collaboration in schools and districts. Jenni has presented breakout sessions at numerous conferences and in school districts across the United States and Canada.

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