Feedback That Moves Writers Forward

  • Title:Feedback That Moves Writers Forward: How to Escape Correcting Mode to Transform Student Writing
  • Author:Patty McGee
  • Publication Date:April 2017
  • Grade Level:K-12
  • ISBN:9781506349923
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

The number one challenge of student writers today isn’t word choice, logic, voice, or even grammar and spelling—it’s buy-in. In Feedback That Moves Writers Forward, Patty McGee shares how to’s for teaching that changes the writing-as-obligation vibe for good. She demonstrates the way feedback can inspire students to reach new heights as writers. With Patty’s help, you learn to:

    • Resign from your position as Corrector-in-Chief and be amazed as students eagerly take over responsibility for refining their writing
    • Apply the research on growth mindset and goal setting, whether you use a writing program or a workshop model
    • Use tone, trust, and language to quicken students’ discovery of their writing identities and take risks when they are stuck
    • Use student work to deliver clear, just-in-time feedback during planning, drafting, revising, and editing
    • Use the online printable forms for delivering customized feedback with just the right wording
    • Balance grading and feedback
    • Help writers reflect so they are better able to apply what they learned about content, craft, and style to their future writing

One of the bravest things we can do as teachers is to admit when a long held practice isn’t working. Error-focused feedback is one such practice. So put down the red pen, pick up this book, and learn to say the right thing at the right time to develop fearless, original, and intentional writers—in any content area.

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