Small Group Reading With Multilingual Learners

  • Title:Small Group Reading With Multilingual Learners: Differentiating Instruction in 20 Minutes a Day
  • Author:Nancy Akhavan
  • Publication Date:2023
  • Grade Level:PreK-12
  • ISBN:9781071904145
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Watch multilingual students excel with high-engagement reading lessons

Students acquiring English tend to bust every stereotype. The truth is, these learners come to school with linguistic assets, not deficits. They will excel with lively, just-right challenge lessons, and they thrive with opportunities to collaborate with peers. In this authoritative resource, bestselling author Nancy Akhavan shows teachers how to support students at the small-group table in acquiring English as well as developing as readers—simultaneously. Ready-to-go tools include:

  • Essential background on the five stages of language acquisition
  • How-tos for differentiating instruction based on students’ levels of language proficiency as well as their reading proficiency
  • Lesson sequences integrating oral language, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, word work, comprehension, and writing about reading
  • Routines that augment talk about texts so multilingual learners can verbalize their knowledge and articulate thinking
  • A companion website and multimodal scaffolds to support students across reading, writing, speaking, and listening

When we gather at the reading table, we have just twenty minutes—we need to make it count. Now we can.

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