Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning

  • Title:Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning
  • Author:Jonathan Bergmann
  • Publication Date:April 2017
  • Grade Level:k-12
  • ISBN:9781416623724
  • Publisher:ASCD

Teachers view homework as an opportunity for students to continue learning after the bell rings. For many students, this often means the dreaded "H" word. How can educators change the way students view homework while ensuring that they still benefit from the additional learning it provides? It's easy. Flip the learning!

In Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning, Jonathan Bergmann, the cofounder of the flipped learning concept, shows you how. The book outlines

  • Why traditional homework causes dread and frustration for students.
  • How flipped learning—completing the harder or more analytical aspects of learning in class as opposed to having students do it on their own—improves student learning.
  • How teachers can create flipped assignments that both engage students and advance student learning.

Bergmann introduces the idea of flipped videos and provides step-by-step guidance to make them effective. The book also includes useful forms, a student survey, and a sample letter to send to parents explaining the flipped learning concept.

You want your students to learn, and your students want learning to be accessible. With that in mind, read through these pages, flip the learning in your classroom, and watch students get excited about homework!

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