Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, High School

  • Title:Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, High School
  • Author:John Almarode, Douglas Fisher , Joseph Assof, John Hattie, Nancy Frey
  • Publication Date:September 2018
  • Grade Level:9-12
  • ISBN:9781544333144
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Select the right task, at the right time, for the right phase of learning

How do you generate that lightbulb "aha" moment of understanding for your students? This book helps to answer that question by showing Visible Learning strategies in action in high-impact mathematics classrooms. Walk in the shoes of teachers as they engage in the countless micro-decisions required to balance strategies, tasks, and assessments, demonstrating that it’s not only what works, but when. A decision-making matrix and grade-leveled examples help you leverage the most effective teaching practices at the most effective time to meet the surface, deep, and transfer learning needs of every student.

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