Supporting English Learners in the Reading Workshop

  • Title:Supporting English Learners in the Reading Workshop
  • Author:Lindsey Moses
  • Publication Date:March 2015
  • Grade Level:K-5
  • ISBN:9780325057576
  • Publisher:Heinemann

Practical instructional ideas, lessons, and differentiation strategies to support English learners in diverse classroom settings

With classrooms that are more diverse than ever before, how can we support English learners in ways that help them reap the same benefits from reading workshop that our English speaking students do? Lindsey Moses draws on her years of experience in classrooms to provide answers to teachers’ most common questions about getting started in a linguistically diverse workshop setting.  She offers a wealth of practical ideas for supporting English learners through each component of the reading workshop. With research-based tips and guidance, Lindsey shares effective ways to modify your routines to meet the needs of every student in your classroom, including:

  • Planning and implementing units of study that are supportive of English learners
  • Providing guided learning experiences for English learners during independent workshop time
  • Creating learning opportunities for English learners to engage in meaningful experiences with both literature and informational texts.

Lindsey’s instructional ideas, lesson examples, children’s literature suggestions, and differentiation strategies give you all the tools you need to implement a reading workshop that is as effective for your English learners as it is for your English speakers.

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