Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades 3-5

  • Title:Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades 3-5
  • Author:John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Kateri Thunder, Sara Delano Moore, John Hattie, Nancy Frey
  • Publication Date:March 2019
  • Grade Level:3-5
  • ISBN:9781544333243
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

It could happen in the morning during homework review. Or perhaps it happens when listening to students as they struggle through a challenging problem. Or maybe even after class, when planning a lesson. At some point, the question arises: How do I influence students' learning—what’s going to generate that light bulb “aha” moment of understanding?

In this sequel to the megawatt best seller Visible Learning for Mathematics, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Kateri Thunder help you answer that question by showing how Visible Learning strategies look in action in the mathematics classroom. Walk in the shoes of elementary school teachers as they engage in the 200 micro-decisions-per-minute needed to balance the strategies, tasks, and assessments seminal to high-impact mathematics instruction.

Using grade-leveled examples and a decision-making matrix, you’ll learn to

  • Articulate clear learning intentions and success criteria at surface, deep, and transfer levels
  • Employ evidence to guide students along the path of becoming metacognitive and self-directed mathematics achievers
  • Use formative assessments to track what students understand, what they don’t, and why
  • Select the right task for the conceptual, procedural, or application emphasis you want, ensuring the task is for the right phase of learning
  • Adjust the difficulty and complexity of any task to meet the needs of all learners

It’s not only what works, but when. Exemplary lessons, video clips, and online resources help you leverage the most effective teaching practices at the most effective time to meet the surface, deep, and transfer learning needs of every student.


Author Bio

Douglas Fisher is a professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College. He is a member of the California Reading Hall of Fame and was honored as an exemplary leader by the Conference on English Leadership. He has published numerous articles on improving student achievement.

Nancy Frey is a professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University. Frey also teaches classes at Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego. She is a recipient of the Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and the Early Career Award from the Literacy Research Association. She has published many articles and books on literacy and instruction.

John Hattie is an award-winning education researcher and best-selling author. His research, better known as Visible Learning, is a culmination of nearly 30 years synthesizing more than 1,500 meta-analyses comprising more than 90,000 studies involving over 300 million students around the world.

Sara Delano Moore is an independent mathematics education consultant at SDM Learning.  Her work focuses on helping teachers and students understand mathematics as a coherent and connected discipline through the power of deep understanding and multiple representations for learning.

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