Which One Doesn't Belong: A Shapes Book (Student Book) (Hardcover)

  • Title:Which One Doesn't Belong: A Shapes Book (Student Book) (Hardcover)
  • Author:Christopher Danielson
  • Publication Date:September 2016
  • Grade Level:K-12
  • ISBN:9781625310804
  • Publisher:Stenhouse

Every colorful page of Christopher Danielson’s children’s picture book, Which One Doesn’t Belong?, contains a thoughtfully designed set of four shapes. Each of the shapes can be a correct answer to the question “Which one doesn’t belong?” Because all their answers are right answers, students naturally shift their focus to justifications and arguments based on the shapes’ geometric properties.

Most curricula treat geometry as little more than vocabulary lessons. Which One Doesn’t Belong? is a powerful, flexible resource that teachers can use to provoke lively discussions and deep learning about shapes with students of all ages.

A Teacher's Bundle (Teacher's Guide, Student Book, plus access to digital formats) is also available. Click here for details.


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