Flip This School

  • Title:Flip This School: How to Lead the Turnaround Process
  • Author:John F. Eller, Sheila A. Eller
  • Publication Date:June 18, 2019
  • ISBN:9781936765447
  • Publisher:Solution Tree

Leading school turnaround for continuous improvement

Set the foundation for a successful, sustainable school turnaround. Designed for school leadership, district administration, and teacher leaders Flip This School presents a framework for planning school improvement to revitalize underperforming and turnaround schools. Throughout the resource, authors John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller detail practical strategies for planning school improvement efforts and collaborating with the school’s existing staff and faculty to initiate a complete school transformation.

This book will guide educational leadership in planning successful school turnaround:

  • Identify the unique needs of your school, and learn how to determine the best methods to address present conditions.
  • Understand the skill set needed for effectively leading school turnaround efforts.
  • Gain strategies for developing a data-gathering plan, and recognize the ways in which data is helpful for successful turnaround schools.
  • Examine the role of districts in school improvement planning and the school reform and turnaround process.
  • Consider how your school improvement plan can include strategies to improve school culture and provide opportunities for professional growth for teachers.
  • Learn how to effectively manage change as well as understand how teacher leadership teams contribute to the turnaround process.
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